
About US

For as long as he can remember, Dennis Sanchez has wanted to own a ranch; a place where his grandkids can grow up and his kids can visit. A place where he and his wife, Rachel can hear birds chirping and where they can watch the sun rise and set together. His dream has finally come to fruition in the shape of Sancho Rancho where the city meets the country, and a fun-loving Floridian can raise and sell the best, most bougie beef in Waco.

They first visited Waco in November 2019 and instantly fell in love with the quiet, close knit town, a far cry from the busy Florida lifestyle. They have since opened an office site in Waco and have been building Sancho Rancho.

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About Sancho Rancho

They say that fear ruins the meat. At Sancho Rancho, we strive to give our beef the soft life: raising grass and cornfed cows. Our cuts are all locally and professionally butchered and cured to your liking. We want our customers to enjoy fearless, and free cuts of beef, creating the most memorable barbecues and dinners!

Most Memorable Barbecues and dinners!

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The best, most bougie beef in Waco.


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The two most important components of our business are our cows and our customers. We want Sancho Rancho to become a household name.